During the late 1940’s the station was heavily altered by removing the second floor. Since that date, the memory of what the original layout contained inside was lost to time. After removing the floor boards, each board contained many holes which is a sign that the flooring has been reused from another location or that it had been pulled up multiple times for repairs. The fact that the floor boards contained these “extra” holes was a curiosity but was not given more thought until the additional wall openings below the floor began to be investigated and repaired. Could there be more below the surface? The new design called for a small area to be dug out for a crawl space. That small dig lead to an all-out effort to explore the existing structure, leading to the revelation of a complete basement… with a concrete floor! The rubble that filled the area was from the removal of the second floor. It appears that the floor boards were taken up, the rubble thrown down, and then the supporting piers built on top of the rubble before entombing the basement under the re-laid floor.
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