The Schoolhouse project is a collaborative, student engaging project based on the campus of Burlington Danes Academy located in North London. The project teaches junior high-school and high-school students hands on construction techniques through the building of a small house on school grounds. It assists their education by students earning credits towards trades certifications as well as building self-confidence and teamwork skills. Brain child of then Head Mistress Dame Sally Coates and Roderick James Architects, the project has encouraged not only participation from the student body, but has also extended out into the community who support both the school coursework and the after-school programming.
We were more than happy to assist in providing courses in design and fabrication as well as helping to build this motivational project. We can’t wait to hear how these students will use the building in the future and the impact their new skills will have on their self-esteem and future career goals! See below for the media attention these young designers are receiving.
Project Documentary!
click here for more info
Burlington Danes School celebrates opening of house built by pupils!
Click on the photo below to read about the opening ceremony of this fantastic accomplishment in Get West London.
House built by after-school club tops out in London playground.
Click on the photo below to read about the topping out of the Schoolhouse in Construction Manager – Magazine of the Chartered Institute of Building.